Monday, December 21, 2009

Orajel Active Ingredient


The fact that mankind is based on a series of stories and contradictions is now common knowledge, but today I want to talk about those who then become the special character and personality of each, but to the general ones that come out of the closet in the more and blatant circus of everyday life.
It could be billions of hypocrisy but these days it is impossible not to do leading to the largest: the Christmas ....
You "" Feast, that of brotherhood, equality, the "feeling level" ... or so they say, but I think the right word is class, if it is in these days that come out disparities.
In truth, most of the globe would close in one of those balls with the fake snow inside ... not to feel as heavy as cast iron. These are days for happy couples and love, for those expecting a baby and thinks it will be the new savior of the world (or at least the savior of his own pair). It is the party who has a sparkling tree homes warm and fragrant, clothes ironed and placed in drawers arranged so as to contain the memories, each pigeonholed her going in the right place so they do not quarrel with that next.
Then there are the songs ... those of kindness and gentleness ... sung so loudly to cover the screams of those reels but to be heard drowning more and more ... ... And the lights so blinding that you can only see who cares arm, mocking the loneliness thrown a little further on in a dark corner.
not Christmas for everyone .... Indeed increase the suffering and anguish in those who "can not" enjoy the serenity in those who feel even more strongly the lack of those who do not find under the tree or under the mistletoe and that will not return. And it makes the countdown to the first day of a new year. Maybe that's the Christmas of the less fortunate, which hang like, as many colored balls, the days are still full of hope, hope that in the year events do not fall to pieces one after the other as in the past ....
And perhaps at that moment we are all equal ... because there is nobody in the world who does not hope and dreams, is the moment when the hypocrisies shed the mask and we embrace all in the embrace of change ....
