Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Burning Sensation In Side Of Stomach, Popped
Marilyn Chambers Mt Therapist
Explain Stationary System
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Shoulder Height For Newborns
Run, run, get to do, life is short. You have to be someone, you must succeed, otherwise life is nothing. Friends as you can, fun to no end. Sensations, adrenaline. Possess and be possessed. A nice car, no debt, lots of money, a name. The women go-go, crazy nights with them. A beautiful house, a swimming pool. Then travel, travel. A thousand destinations, exotic, hot, new, impossible. Wander around like a top, this evening, tomorrow another pub. Restaurants, nightclubs, acid trip of a life that wants everything. Squeezable squeeze the life from this short and pointless. Fuck the children and the family. Dead weight to have and leave as soon as possible. The sun sets, you start to live, comes dawn, two hours of sleep when it happens and then back around to earn. Greed: I want this and that and yet another. I like what 'you do not you and I have. Your beautiful is more beautiful than mine. I want to fuck, I want you to fuck her and avertela removed. And it's not enough, even more. The desire grows. Jacket and tie around and there 'a look, then another. I see. That there are opportunities to consume, to burn like a candle and its wick. Today, job change, including six months as well. Another city, other people to use, other nights to burn.
Exist ....
exist .... but I do not live.
me that look Then lightning. You know, I am guilty. A thousand and one wrongdoing. She next. But something is wrong. The game knows it but I do not understand. Then the most beautiful car, dressed in chic, most expensive. She comes over and start a dialogue between a strange and lost his demon dressed in a luxurious. The desire, my nights and my hands enjoy thinking of our last meeting. But do not touch. His eyes .... She looks at me like a dirty man, one of many that took away a piece of heart to make it sterile feeling. Reflected in her beginning to make me sick. Suck a tie, the jacket, the machine. Sucks the evenings and take the game, and disposable. I can not stop. Ruining his life is like a drug. Then I run away but she follows me, joins me in every city where I go. He wants to punish me. He wants to make me feel the amoeba of a human being who I am. A little 'time to lose everything. The nights out, the roar of my Lamborghini, women, fine clothes, home, money. Now I am a beggar. Around the stations of this stinking rotten world, conscious of the smallness of mind in which I lived. Day after day destroys me.
's the end. The substance, I sought.
Then one day, as I wander in the trash and try a bit 'of energy to my stomach, a hand touched my shoulder. I turn around, it's her. Now that my smile is gone and my swagger as well, naked and vulnerable soul I look into her eyes and a flash of heat hit me. I do not pierce the most, I warms. With a tender gesture draws me to if and embraces me. "You're different!" Exclaims. I stammered a poor "is, unfortunately," and she replies "fortunately." So take my right hand and says, "I'll take you to a place nearby." We walk and walk until the entry of a large building with the top bit and put a man on the cross. We go and get closer to a tub full of water. Santa: I had learned as a child. She gets a bit 'in a palm and it washes my face and exclaimed, "you wipe away your sins." I close my eyes, a strong power over me. I want to shout so this is powerful. I feel like a man, not a worm. He spread his arms to God, open my eyes but she is not there 'more, and understand: was an angel sent to save me.
It starts from scratch.
Friday, March 18, 2011
What Stage Is My Herpes At
This morning I opened my eyes decently. I was planning to do some things that would have required more than 3 or 4 hours. Shower, shave and go, the 9:30 out of the house.
First stop: a laboratory analysis. Here I would have to attend to in an hour ... were it not for the light line, but the row made light of 65 people before me.
Result? Over two hours waiting for their turn to me hole in the arm where it took 3 minutes to enter and exit the needle to find a vein. In
while meeting the Company's management that was my main client before becoming insolvent due to the municipality of Catania, who has not paid anything. Failed them, I closed the company, she ended by a semi nurse administrator in this laboratory. We recognize, we talk and when I say that my cabin is spoiled as a result of his own, can not 'do is shrug and say, "I can only offer a cup of coffee." Of course, poor woman, who can 'say except that the fucking bastards in office in Catania at the time went bankrupt a company of 25 people and led? And she once dominated in a megastar where he was the head and now must ask permission to even breathe.
After a morning of fasting I head to the bar to eat a piece snack bar. When I go I meet parents of a friend of my youth ', who lived downstairs. Ideally they tell me they're going to find it and now has two children and happily ever look at me and tell me "but how could you put on weight." Thank you, I say, I take drugs that do not make me fall want of a gram, it makes me want eccheccazzo the drip? Of course, do not tell in these tones, I smile, greeting and leaving.
Stage: my mother and her shop. He had to update the customer list. Here I find that 50 have changed registry and that 15 have closed within a year. The crisis has generated a high mortality rate even in feeding.
I'm going to buy food in the deli where I call the "gentle giant". Then lunch at a shop and have the great idea to spend time at my next appointment lying on the cartons. Result? I destroyed my back and been paralyzed.
15:15 pm. I start running sore for my second doctor's appointment the day ... the neurologist. What gives me the drugs that do not make me lose weight. Here in only 3 / 4 of an hour are free. Why the speed? From 100 € neurologist disbursement black free ticket per visit. He calls me "dear Chillemi" but I think it relates to my wallet.
16:15. Top of the apocalypse. I'm going to dall'otorino of small disturbances. I put on the list. Nearly 40 people ahead of me. Expected time of entry at 22:00. Next Week closes for a break and everyone rushed to get there.
16:45 pm: The Curse of gasoline without stealing upon me. A guy parks the car crying, coming toward me. He explains that he has no money to return to Lentini. Be true, it will be false, the disbursement 6 € like a fool and so 'I tell him "with these you get there." I almost knelt. And 'that the second bill within 6 months. It will be the new fashion dell'accattonaggio.
17:15 pm I break the balls and go to the barber to discuss and pass the time. Ottavio, kind person who is a free sistematina my hair.
Spend some 'time and enter a deaf customer superciccione his time. Not that I have anything against him, but while he was busy slapping aide to Ottavio, taken from a good-natured laughter I download a shot on his side with 50 pounds of the arm .. I smile, swear in and say to myself: you squeeze the balls to sing like Pavarotti.
18:30. Dall'otorino Return. Start a waiting absurd ending at 21:15. It 's finally my turn. Result: I have nothing but a respiratory syndrome varies due to size. Shake hands and go out.
's time to go home. I turn on the scooter and finally reach my house. How nice that there are still some that I prepare dinner. I eat my fried calamari and, finally, I'll jump on the couch watching Grey's Anatomy, My favorite TV show.
24 Hours: Chat with my friend calls me on FB and writing this blog.
The next week I expect two more visits with Ticket. Another wasted day following this third-world health if you go to conventions, iperrapida disbursements if the double of your own pocket.
In that shitty place we live.
Giuseppe Chillemi
Thursday, March 17, 2011
How Can I Get Dye Off Pyjamas Off Leather Couch
Bros: the inlay is made with dried blood and powder of various origins that forms on excoriation produced by accidental falls. By extension it is also the fouling at the nose of children snarociosi. When I was little
the knees of children, and sometimes the elbows, were always covered with Ambrose.
This depended on the games played with contempt of danger, such as drifting on the gravel with the bike, racing through the fields, climbing trees and its board. The fall caused the abrasions cleaned immediately by blowing on them and sprayed disinfectant natural spit.
Children proudly exhibited their brose symbol of a certain superiority of nature. The
Bros has disappeared from the language and the knees.
Now our children play a different physical activity, under the supervision of adults that prevent any type of wound to prevent nuisance complaints from parents.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Hp Scanjet 7400c Scanner Could Not Be Initialized
SNAROCIOSO: it was said, in a derogatory sense, a child with "snarocio" nose.
Snarocio is runny mucus, the mucus snarocioso who has a runny nose. Same
a bit 'to' punk '.
Today has disappeared from the common language of those who speak the dialect commonly, as the children have disappeared with the mop to the nose. Now I only see children with Nasetti very clean and almost never red. With the
snarocio disappeared also the "Bros" noses of children.
Long Dong Silver Caps
I was reminded that words do not use more time in my dialect words that were part of a common level that is inexorably Italy.
strange-sounding words that are no longer used because the culture has failed or because there is no longer what it meant.
At these words I want to give a little 'space because they too are part of me.
Friday, March 11, 2011
How Do I Delete Login On Facebook
- COSIMO Cinier offer a preview of the first chorus of dell'Adelchi A. Manzoni dell'overture on the notes of Rossini's William Tell, one of the most significant pieces of ITALY MIA-poetic rhapsody Risorgimento with LA BANDA ITALIAN ARMY conducted by Maestro Fulvio Creux and with the soprano Carmela Maffongelli. Concept, dramaturgy and direction of the IRMA IMMACULATE BUILDING.
- Debut: March 21 at 21 at the Auditorium Parco della Musica di Roma, Sala Sinopoli.
Disability Aids Catalogue
Lately the people with whom I have a lot more fun 'years older than me.
Either I am old inside, or they are much "younger" of many people who attend and who are my age. Of course I tend
for the latter.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Elementary Salutatory Address
Cinieri Cosimo, the epic, and his audience-people
Cosimo Cinieri comes from the avant-garde of the sixties, the more "flagellate" tribulation language (both pro, both against), having also gone through, for what concerns him most directly, the 'speech' ventured and unrelated to a Carmelo Bene, which was a close friend, but to settle down soon, in its way, the canonicity of the whole language and severe, believing, rightly, that there, in this canonicity, the Word, in its essence (here the use of systematic saussurriana necessary) sounds better and means better. Cinieri prefers to use the language-word in his final formalities. It is no accident that the theater will present a zest to make good use of the "classics".
In terms of language requirements, Cosimo Cinieri can be described as a fundamentalist. And it is also his way of understanding the function and the profession of actor totus actor, in fact. Its very physicality, native actor (homo scaenicus born, to be precise), I'll allow. Then he is also founder, director, producer, dramaturg , viewer-auditor copyright texts, set design and "responsible" for technical support and multimediatici, either verbal, iconic and you want sound, is part of a requirement of completeness and a need for "autonomy" which makes it possible to operate in completeness, "alone". Being able to work alone is denoted and its also his connotation.
"Her" is the right word. In fact, his theater is his, because Cinieri has built itself a result of its own. A public that has been known to be due to a poetic ad hoc, circumstantial, and practiced by him during now for decades and which has the characteristics of a real Kultur , that's a burden to use and reuse of "deposits" literature of all ages. Whether the fragments of Beat Generation (1978), whether the review of "classic" real, up to the "voices" of our time: From Homer to Neruda poems divine (2008). The focus of this planning takes place passionate evocation of the "peculiar poetic foundations" of the Italian tradition. And here the titles of his shows even the most recognizable and most popular talk yourself: what Canzoniere Italian (1991) and Italy my (2011).
Actor materials atavistic, then, this Cinieri. This constitutes one more proof of his fundamentalism election, even if it is practiced in aesthetic procedures scrupulously updated. However, there is no doubt that Cinieri looks like a "update" of the arc. Needless to say, and willingness to support this provision, there is theoretical and technical cicostanziata processing, due to the success in terms of continuity and seal of the association Cinieri-Palazzo: Cosimo Immaculate and Irma. And it is Immaculate on Irma Palazzo, which must be emphasized attention to a proper understanding of the phenomenon Cinieri, as it is for Irma chair, during the design and preparation, the work of dramaturgy and direction, of which she is the by monitoring critical consciousness, as well as creative. Therefore, the association Cinieri-Palace is set up as a studio-workshop, where the usual business of studying what you put in evidence, and put in evidence what is studied, consists of a very specific intention: to make the 'look' of the show, developed and proposed, is simple and easy, happily free from any trace of breathlessness and fatigue, for those who perceive it, namely the public. The public share of Cinieri, the actor never share the same audience.
All this because of a desire for empathy, obtained not only relying on 'spontaneous onset of empathy itself, but as a result of a sensory awareness of the dynamics, psychological and logical, which are the basis of a power of vision the scientific point of view dedicated to aspects of sensory perception and, going back perhaps to the origins of the great expert surveys on this field, even referring to the founders of this type of research, William James, Carl Lange (1884-1885). As you can see, the approach work of 'ensemble Cinieri-building, not just literary type, but also scientific, that with regard to the disciplines of psychology, in my opinion of course, refers by implication, though not openly, to the theoretical form of , typical of the School of gestalt. And here I refer in particular to a procedural and stylistic feature set, with which Cinieri staging works that he calls "short drama" (one of his "kind" special, which qualifies him in particular).
We can and we must speak of the theory of action gestalt , especially in the "short drama" of Cinieri (and here one can not fail to mention his Macbeth of 1982-1983) for the presence in it of a clear tendency to stylization, including geometrical that, in fact, can be considered as a constant form of the formula's overall theater-Cinieri Palace. Formula driven to take account of aspects relating to the perception, rightly understood as a key factor to achieve, with the value of immediacy, and emotion and is intellection. And it is precisely around this particular hermeneutic circle of perception-hear-hear, identified by the theory of gestalt, and that is a kind of aesthetic fundamental axiom on which they pin all the arts in general, that the process of theater-Cinieri Palace settles.
So much for a matter of "principle" theoretical total of a general nature concerning, however, the creative and production process, has already said the key role played by Irma Immaculate for the creative for the critical part and the part of directors. His being, first of all, a work of retrieval and selection of texts from a huge list of authors and periods of "culture" different (and odd). Texts, which, once chosen, can be subjected to decomposition and rejoined for "assembly". Work can also be defined as a "get busy" around "the questions of words" (and agree to associate with other "signs", iconic gestures, and above all sound, as in the dramatization "Cinieri" the music becomes an essential factor ). Well, this "get busy" on matters of words, even if it is practiced in terms of DIY the usual avant-garde in some way is also a kind of recall, matrix unconscious more conscious (and here another "great" knowledge of the mystery of the deep, Gustav Jung, it would confirm), a form of duplication of the practices attributed to the ancient archetypal Pizie.
It's no wonder to do with it. It 'just the generative procedure of today's avant-garde of the time (for example using the technique of cut-up : the so called lovers of stochastic recourse to the expedient processing of texts) "cut" in the text segment organic to put them back together for a sense of "other." Although (and by the way) the main concern of the treatment of the poetic texts designed by the couple Cinieri-Palace is to respect the sense "own". He is, in fact, though, about manipulative techniques and combinatorial analogy of ancient prophecies and diversification of our times, as is to be noted that operating segments and fragments that Pizie of mythology "invented" their response. The art of making theater, as modernized, secularized and grammaticalized by structuralists of today, there still remains a ritual practices associated with a certain idea of \u200b\u200bbeing an art, whose main purpose would be to play, produce and perpetuate all what does mythology. In the theater is the imagination that is the real, if only because it replaces. Cinieri by good fundamentals of the theater, I agree. And keep it.
But back for a moment on laboratory work, particularly what he sees committed Irma Immaculate Palace on the "counter". Somehow we have already said that special care is given to ensure that in the show, which will be "externalized" by the actor demiurgic di Cosimo, the component relating to the conceptual part is never separated from the emotional. It 's a question of balance and put in symbiosis. But we must also say, then, "in his hand and voice, that is the body" to Cinieri, the factor emotional tends to overtake, but with a reason that goes back to a ground that is always relevant to a philosophy: the externalization of an emotion must be dramatically successful an event that gives rise, for those who attend, an event "by living. " A derivative that also, perhaps, and probably without perhaps the messianism of Carmelo Bene, of which, however, was also Irma Palazzo Immaculate coadiutrice. Of course, this size is placed in content and form completely different (we're in different worlds, Carmelo Bene went in the direction of eversività of primitiveness, Cosimo Cinieri goes in the direction of canonicity dell'arcaicità ). And here raises the opportunity to give confirmation of a key finding in the formation and preservation of the "forms" that are the essence and history of arts training and retention that occur, however, through their transformation and mutation. In this "gap" for continuity and difference between Carmelo Bene and Cosimo Cinieri, we can say that the mode of operation of the Company Cinieri-Palace is writing a paragraph example of the metamorphosis of the structure of forms. We suggest that you give the transcription of this fact in textbooks dealing with this most essential issue.
we come However, the "specific difference" lab-Cinieri Palace: a survey from the beginning, more than thirty years, with strict criteria of professionalism and equally careful planning, in the direction of three parallel streets, independent, albeit related. 1) the dramatization of the poem in conjunction with the music, 2) The discovery-reinvention of the classics, re-proposed in the spirit of the contemporary world (are classic authors who appear to be more contemporary), and 3) give the height to the enhancement of the "short drama" . And, indeed, Cinieri is a master of knowing how to bring "far short" texts also "long measure": its already mentioned, Macbeth made in short sections, marked with geometry gestalt , as has been said, it was an example of considerable success. And indeed, this idea of \u200b\u200bshort drama, becomes more than it should be noted that this is unquestionably happy intuition, this also comes from the need to reduce complexity to simplicity, which, by Cinieri-building is an obligation of school. Moreover, the concept of "short measure", which is the principle that leads to the choice of "short drama" (summarized in these terms: short duration but high intensity of expression) corresponds very well to the canons of the "new aesthetics" of their time more closely today and especially those of the future. Therefore, good luck to the formula. Incidentally, notice how the poems of Recitals , so Cinieri is particularly well known, are already prepared, structurally, the "short measure".
saying "quick" does not mean, however, be performed in a time subject to reduction due time, but to restrain the extent, precisely, the time had (Neither more nor less), which means time to full . And here is detected, thus, a category of expression that characterizes the actor's Cinieri: its fullness . Fullness to the bitter end, it seems. In fact, the choices always fall on poems of fullness and fullness to music. It 'good to keep in mind that Cinieri practice the kind of epic, not that of elegy. So full of poetry and music of fullness, which, once in the joint deployment of spectacle in its own way of seeing, of thinking and feeling (to Cinieri, well of course), can only give rise to a kind of superlative theatrics, let's call it a pure theatricality "for completeness". Inevitable, therefore, even exuberance.
And that is fine. It 'important that there is exuberance. Exuberance even redundancy as desired effect and obtained on the resonance of the materials used, both verbal and gestural, and is especially music. The latter, in fact, "found" and used in particular for their primeval grandeur as they are, already, sounds high, wide and fully open, the band music. The use of band music is the real "found" Cosimo Cinieri. Nothing is more suitable, in fact, the band music in order to provide evidence of attainment of the fullness of the music with that surplus of music (music of excess), the band brings its stigma as, for precisely, in irretrievable excess. Nothing to complain about the outcome of this type that are obtained by virtue of the use of band music, with the utmost simplicity, dell'immadiatezza, full and perceptibility of the maximum bulk of sounds "music", even from the tuning fork top of these sounds: ringing a tocsin, size, therefore, in which all other music, no doubt also learned more and more artisticizzate not dare venture. And mostly in the context of maximum emotional effect, almost an action all'elementarità , so you can make the most of the pitch of sounds the tocsin rang, dimension in which the other arts of music, more learned and more artisticizzate not dare to venture (and, in fact, they can not and should not). While Cosimo Cinieri man-actor attracted by "strange attractors" of the epic, however, there is adventure undaunted. That ringing the tocsin, he makes it his podium.
E 'capopopolo a podium, from the which he, becoming phantasy of course, but also, even more ghostlike, the personification of his own interpretation (Jung would explain very well this translation process of identifying metamorphic). E 'at this point that Cinieri finalizes the meeting with his particular audience. A public which is not only public theater, but also a gathering of people, especially bearing in mind that the "content" word and sound, which exposes Cinieri in its recruitment to figure bard or herald of a common feeling, are content itself and choral group, so that "his" government recognizes them as his own, and therefore can not be his grateful. Grateful is the word which refers, in its root, the word recognition. Then of course everything then is a ceremonial recognition of identity that Cinieri being put into practice. It is therefore something quite different from that of merely setting up an event for entertainment. In fact, if we take a look at his repertoire turns out even better, if we can express its "intention of ambition" and having considered the materials which he made, interpreted and used, affects the audacity to put that with high content and content low, the present and the remote uniform and not uniform in the sacred and the profane, the chaste and the licentious, the austere and running, without overlapping the bulkhead plans to discriminate. That is enough to initiate an alert and sincreticità eclecticism of censorship, but then you realize that Cinieri aims to go beyond, it aspires to a vision, not of confusion, but the merger of disparatezze of "discourses of the world" tour d ' total horizon. Today we would say overall. Whatever happens, the effect of surprise censorship, which produced a similar rise in those who hear it outside, of course there is. But who "cares" for those who place themselves outside! The doubts will dissolve by itself, if quell'elaborato you decide to enter and stay there, educated or naive, informed or uninformed, or gourmet orecchianti (including the least receptive) to be both. We are all very well. And that is enough.
Be it in bulk and in the incompleteness, helps to better understand the overall project of the duo-Cinieri Palace, giving the last two lists of authors: The authors of words and sounds of the authors. For authors of words, Catullus, Martial, Aretino, Poe, Verlaine, Swift, Metastasio, Alfieri, Belli, d'Annunzio, Montale, Palazzeschi, Pavese, Lorca, Apollinaire, Miller, Ferlinghetti, Ginsberg, Corso, McClure, Pessoa; Shakespeare and maybe in the middle ... For Sound Authors: Strauss, Manfredini, Borodin, Leocavallo, Ponchielli, Debussy, Di Candia, Smetana ... In short, from Bach to Nino Rota. The catalog reserved to the authors of Italy (both poets, and musicians) (something all of Cinieri, with both employment militarily, as it also uses the band of the Carabinieri and Army) is separate chapter. They range from Francis of Assisi to Pasolini, with Dante "Wanderer" cosmic Leopardi, Foscolo heroic Rossini sumptuous and festive, patriotic Verdi. But there also appear living poets, as long as "national." Given the lists, thus giving the impression that Cinieri is of me, in the spirit of playfulness, a giant kaleidoscope, to obtain effects from global celebration of the sacred glories. The epic genre itself does not allow that, with such materials, proceed to ritenutezza better, even if it overflows.
And, of course, for this trend that "urges" to overflow, which Cosimo Cinieri, loyal to such precepts (no reason to be otherwise), it uses, with good insight and the medium cher the evidence: the band music, the music more "open" that is, relying on an effect of emotion, that "nature" has no equal, if not in sound of bells, with power, that is their own, to raise the onset, a plot of two conflicting feelings: happiness and sadness, joy and sadness, celebration and nostalgia. Two emotions in themselves and against literary "naive", which considered separately noted for their simplicity, but that perceived fused and intertwined are generative of a build very dense with emotional complexity, is both informal and formal. A complex high-value reminiscent of a totality of design and sentimentality, which thickens around a need-abandonment of reminiscence, for which, rightly, Maurizio Grande, speaking of the play Cosimo Cinieri, had identified as an "excavation on the outskirts of memory." More than well said, so that in summary was the scene of Cinieri, is essentially an event of remembrance.
rimmemorazione excavation, which also means digging in the middle of the texts. It is in this research excavation and reconstruction of the texts, as already said, that Irma Immaculate Palace plays its role inside, with the eye of the penalty area. So much so that a text prepared and configured to be placed "in vivo" by Cosimo (and must say that it is always a text submitted, in the laboratory, the surplus, to the misrepresentation, tilting and deformation of the meaning of the event, vice-virtue of inheritance that comes from the avant-garde, although d ' yesteryear), it must be assumed that Irma Immaculate to rule in this way (after all in his own words ): "This is the text. It 'also allowed to go beyond it, however, without touching the writing. "With this added plus:" But even there, that is, outside of any caption and all ideology. "Impeccable this Irma.
Cinieri in all this, we declare assenziente course, but on stage he is Cinieri-Cinieri: his way of going beyond the text, while "respecting the establishment," is all to motu proprio , for inspiration, mastery of native and actor, including virtuosity ( quia leo nominor ). Moreover, the virtuosity, art of the theater, it is essential to request performativity of gender. Beware if this factor of impertinence was not there. The true actor, the actor's nature (and Cinieri is), is designated to have to do with this impertinence relevant because if it is not, nor is his auctoritas with his own public. E 'crossing the' applause that evidence. It must be said that, as in possession of this kind of virtuosity, Cinieri is not less certain to default. One thing, this, that makes him, when he climbed the podium, something more than an actor playing the authors of the texts which reads, in its own way, with that mystagogue and shaman (which is what makes him a character actor), prone to wide-ranging content that exposes the seduction. Among them, those specially selected for attractive and seductive arguments by their very definition, subject to free and libertine, and even openly compiaciutamente erotic. Heck, it is still a classic!
Here, the "classic" seem, however, an excuse. In fact one has the impression that it is rather a propensity for a certain pagan background from which Cinieri in its pantheism spontaneistico, also extends to issues "Christianized", because to him, referring to Terence, this which also has to do with the human's okay: he, worthy, beautiful and sacred, it is located in carpe diem (in jazz) of Horace (2011), both in the carp Deum of St. Francis (when it happens, always), and is in Cherchez la me ... (1981-1982) a Aretino of d'Annunzio, a Miller ... It's no wonder that critics have found in him because of his indiscriminate complacency in putting everything in one admixture, which includes everything equally, a flash of "treachery", which leads to the suspicion that there is behind the action, and wanted to "intent" which alludes to a simulation in some way, the figure of the devil. Nature of the case and want Cosimo Cinieri has the facies of the role, though in the service of his pantheism reassuring and beneficial exciting as life requires.
Rome, 21 March 2011 Caesar Milan
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Memorial Verses For Anniversaries

dark night out there and I can not sleep.
Time passes as it does for thousands of years, and takes its meaning in my life and the family.
dark shadow looms over us all, concerns and major changes.
Will we survive? Will we support the change of conditions entrenched for many years and require un'obbligatoria transformation.
I keep my eyes open, I can not close them. Images on the horizon, solutions such as hazards.
It 's time in which what you can do is to be used, coordinated and concentrated efforts in many small and some ... superhuman.
Bello would snap his fingers and get rid of the shadow that shakes the heart. Cosi 'life is not. You fight and fight. You have to risk all out or perish.
The next two years will depend on the future and what we can recreate as a family.
join us confidence or divide us?
am hoping for a positive transformation in my heart but the fears harbored.
not tell you what it is, I tell 'when everything is finished, for better or for worse.
Pray for me, pray for us.
Giuseppe Chillemi
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Spell Turn Into A Wolf

Saturday, February 19, 2011
Walkei Home Made Antenna
[Hungary: Romania] [Romania: Romania] [Romania, Albania]
and the Italians are watching.
Friday, February 18, 2011
How To Use Digital Antennas
badly last night I was woken by my neighbors who, drunk, shouting and banging and shouting.
While I was falling asleep I crept in the minds of the song and I remembered that Povia the guy who was with me for my unquestioned femininity WAS gay and now he is with her. More than a miracle I'd shout
Sunday, February 13, 2011
World's Most Beautiful Vajinas
At home I have an old trunk.
was my grandmother, the one that was her dowry when it is married and moved in with my grandfather.
During the war, this trunk was buried in order to save from possible looting household linen. Buried in the trunk were the embroidered sheets, tablecloths more valuable.
After the war was disotterrato the trunk, the laundry was a bit 'tainted but saves. One of those pillowcases are in my closet.
grandmother died 15 years ago.
I look at the old trunk that has experienced so many stories that no one can tell me. And I
drops a tear.
Lightweight Compact Scope
Thinking back to my relationship with the opposite sex (the ratio of which I have written extensively on this blog) I have drawn the conclusions. In
most cases the men treat me equally, as if I were one of them. I invite you to gatherings of men, tell me about their experiences with women, have an attitude of camaraderie.
Another group of boys consider me as a sister.
The only man I had explicitly said he was with me for my unquestioned femininity after a month told me of being gay.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
South Park Party Supplies South Park?
Monday, at work, I complete the first part of my personal data, the second will be written by my boss.
This first step consists of a self-evaluation on the work of the last 12 months.
I thought I would write that I have too much self-esteem developed to give me an objective assessment.
Friday, February 11, 2011
.net Framework 2.0 For Pinnacle Tv Centre
I know, darling, that is strange.
When he came to fetch me, with your big car cabrio, I went to see what was written behind to see that model was.
When did you raise the wrist showing me the watch I looked at the time thinking I wanted to tell me that I was late.
When I have proposed to go to a place they know in a few where they sell designer clothes at bargain prices I replied that suits them to me I do. Things of the past have said.
When you took me to the lake I did jump for joy that seeing a grebe dived, you do not even know what a grebe. And then I yelled "Watch a coot!" I've told you what a coot.
When you take me for a walk in the center do not look at the windows, but I ask you to enter the church to look at the frescoes.
When you take me over the hills I appreciate the way (looking at the kind) and not the destination (the farm).
Then when I talk I pun do not understand jokes or throwing on the fly.
I know, darling, are strange, but it is not that air of condescension that you printed in your face that will make inroads into my heart.
Does Plucking Give You Ingrown Hairs
Mestrino is a little town about 15 km from Padua. For at least twenty years
Mestrino there was only one shoe. A shop where anonymous grandmother Mary could find comfortable shoes for walking his old and shabby niporina decent shoes to send to school. Even Antoinette, 10 years employed by a factory in the small industrial area we bought the shoes without infamy and without praise, adapted to go to the office where so much you do not see anyone. Uncle Louis there was its classic shoes, the same pattern, more or less every year.
For special occasions, or for something more fancy you go to the center, which is less than half an hour and then there's the bus in front of the house.
Over the past two years, taking the economic crisis, with the factories close and new faces to the market on Tuesday (now that I am laid off can afford to go to the market on Tuesday morning) were opened 3 shoe shops. One of them sells shoes "of a certain level, very beautiful but not quite close down.
If you do not have bread, they wear open toe!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Are They Any Good Gay Guys In Pittsburgh?

Monday, February 7, 2011
Speech For My Father Birthday
My father had bought the "German for All" and "French for All" 25 years ago. I am the 'Oxford Inglese "about 15 years ago
courses were almost complete but lacked some boxes.
E 'come the time to e-bay and these are antiques at affordable prices below 50 €.
so I decided 'to complete them.
In the meantime I happened to hand "English for you" and I bought it.
In all, four courses purchased for less than 140 €.
I'm moving the tapes to digital, with a tape recorder, and I tell you one thing: all the courses are the first to third use litter box. The rest are still virgins at the start position.
E 'index of how much waste these courses have been for those who bought them: just started, the dream of one language and then poof ... placed in the drawer.
I hope not I do the same thing with the German ... :-)
Giuseppe Chillemi
Saturday, February 5, 2011
What D The Jelly Bands Stand For?
... I want to make my own irresponsibility
Friday, February 4, 2011
Ip Phone Delaers In Bangalore
For some time I look at my feet. I do not because they are ugly or large or for some reason connected to them. I look at my feet because I look at the earth that is beneath us and welcomes us.
I have seen many movies and TV shows where ships sailed spaces and men exploring new worlds but the earth ... What is the earth?
It 's our space ship that never stops. Turns on itself and revolves around the sun.
E 'built to proteggergi and nourish us and to ensure that life goes on incessantly.
keep looking at my feet and say that they are resting on something is not stopped. I am flying, in space. We're in space! Protected by miles of barrier made of breathable gas. There
'green, blue and blue, brown. Many compagnetti moving with us, some humans, other animals, we're here, we are together!
E 'beautiful our world. Too bad the man has lost his mind and is pursuing all that poison devils as a side effect.
Here, I sit on this ride, which some call Gaia. Tomorrow I will see if I stand still 'the sun and the blue and then again at night and the stars passing through beautiful sunsets and then again and again.
I'm just a passenger, but it's nice to be here.
Giuseppe Chillemi
Diagram Of The Parts Of A Bmx Rear Freewheel Hub
In friendship as in love I can not get interested in people who are not interested in me.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Infant Formula Manufacturers
I have fought against the flu, won and went back to work.
Now I find the antibodies to go on living.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Degenerative Nerve Disease Stomach

the course "German for all" of the De-Agostini, 1985. I scanned through drawers and doors on computers in high quality MP3.
Tonight, I started the first lesson and I started to laugh ... I get flustered with his tongue in and out frasacce when I have to repeat.
I also found a great site on grammar: , created by the University of Venice.
The first chapter was pretty easy and tomorrow it will say '.
I'll tell you 'then it is a language difficult or easy. For the moment it is too early to talk about.
We will see the progress that I will have three months 'done and then take' conclusions.
Giuseppe Chillemi
PS: I could not resist the temptation but I participated on E-Bay auction of the "French for all." Crediateci or not, I was the only participant and me they are awarded a € 2.99 + shipping! Is called C * ULO
What Does Cm Week Before Period Mean?
My maternal grandmother was a simple woman, had not been able to study but was very intelligent and had an open mind to new things. I left her a lot, they make me company above all his sentences with such carelessness, but that made me laugh so much. On the beauty
remember two that are often repeated in my fammiglia.
A companion of my medium comes to our house to take a kitten. After he left my grandmother exclaimed
"Poor man, that's the beauty has gone by, but he ran too fast.".
Returning from the market tells me:
"You know I saw the son of Tale, not seen him since he was little. Madonna as grown!"
"Ah yes, and how?"
El ga na bea lontanansa "(a good distance).
Saturday, January 29, 2011
How To Differentiate Muscle Pain From Kidney

Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Tilt On A Lacrosse Helmet
T Eliseo host theater, January 26, 2011
Thank you immensely enriched me today. With his skill he managed to strordinaria
me to try all those powerful emotions that he described and I am grateful that
there are people
like you who manage to exploit the which I think is the best profession in the world: Actor!
Exit this
beautiful theater,
perhaps more reflective, perhaps wiser, but
certainly more in love with the theater.
Thanks again and I hope that my words do
From Livia Loc
has Ferretti
do not know what is appropriate to write, qu
wings to use words to capture a piece of me in these lines
ma so di volerle com
Unicare something. How I admire her deeply Svevo and Pirandello two great Italian personalities who have t
Rovati af
are confronted with the most dramatic and beautiful existence. The with
awareness is challenging and sometimes painful, but fo
ndo believe is necessary to appreciate d
pass the life.
In a few minutes so thank you because it gave me a lot.
A warm greeting, Bea
E ' INCREDIBLE THAT YOU CAN REPRESENT With this simple 'all my life. GIORGIO
THANKS a cellist in love with music
E 'was simply beautiful ... Think about life ... death ... Do not take anything on the surface ... I'll try to do too well ...