Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Herpes Or Ingrown Hair What Is The Difference?


"Damn geometry" Luke exclaimed at the news ... his dream of forbidden love is turned into a nightmare and his beloved fell into the hands of a "brute"
... And yes! maybe there was really falling! Luca even imagined that those hands and those arms were so tight ...
And maybe the brute in question was a bit 'more "brutal"! but not at all ... an altar boy in the flesh ...
in his life have you ever thought that a man would dare not to try! But yes ... and these are the facts ...
was the first day of work ... The balls just turned to ring the bell fintissimo smile thinking of those who would open the door to his hello of simple courtesy in response ... would give anything not to being in front of the squalid door that would have opened its new jail. ...
But life always decide on her own and the fateful driiin more than in a prison opened the doors of the enchanted city and more than a good day courtesy of his ears hear, " tu-tum "
... " Oh ... but what was that? "anything, just a thump to the heart ... the smile of his beautiful geometrino now throws in an atmosphere of pink and gray-Liala CIM ... yes, its Mental Health Center: lobotomized, gone , cooked ... (... well, really CIM for other reasons that later you will understand ...).
Here, he shows his new position ... "But slutty bitch ... just 30 cm from him ... so do not combine cabbage and a dismissal ... I'll be less professional trader in the world ....".
few days and the flames gave way to talk and make sense of our heroine Sleeping Beauty Pink Panther becomes ... well, just in Panther! Necklines waist, sweets, jokes, every gift of God masterfully pointed to incite to surrender ... and tac! In less than no time the culmination of her dream of love is drawing near, it esceeeeeeeeee!!
You can imagine the look ... Simply perfect and her fantastic restaurant: sea view, breeze pimp and wine as well, he ... Bo? Even saw him so great was the light that was! The attention span was equal to that of a gecko, not make it right to focus on speeches, he was there and they were together and could talk about world hunger, or Minor Threat's last album ... never mind ...
In mid-dinner he invited her to dance ... just them, a sky dotted with stars and violins ... Oh no, those close to him she could hear them ... (actually seemed more like a Metallica concert, but were only atrium and ventricle to 'unison; ed) "In this point is made ... "I think" maybe I'll have dessert after, right on the beach towel for case finished in the car ... "
But as in all the films of Dario Argento who meet PUF ... a nightmare!
The beautiful Toni Manero is all talk and distinctive. Having gorged on the desk next month hormone decides to keep it short. Kisses kisses and carezzine ... E BASTA! "But how? I do not jump on me, do not ask me more, I do not even pretend to do the ritrosetta?? "And not, here is the ritrosetto him!
Soon the sentimentalist who discovers his true nature of a superhero: Iceman, the message is freezing its superpower! And that sucks! At least the other escaped after the sadly inflated magical relationship! And here even that!
I talk about the ghost in the shell not spin as much, or better, maybe we're just arcistufe to listen. Family-Friends-balanced work on the pretext that he is flaunting, alas, still too popular to be believed! It remains to be hoped that the shell is not much vaunted Meliconi and I stopped at the end of bouncing shattering into a thousand pieces!
"You're not scared But the whales between the lines a white veil and a bouquet?" Her friends think of all the trust, trying in every way to explain such great mortification of the flesh ... We will not be faced with a case of mica of virginity late?
Mha ... We could query the oracle at Delphi, Oedipus pray he gets involved with the sphinx or simply wait for the next episode!

to be continued ... ... ... ...


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