Friday, December 3, 2010

Remove Grenadine From Carpet

Remove 20 years of rust

There was a time where I loved to study. I was just a nerd at school (but tardy absentee:) and up to 18 years has proceeded well. I read many books, magazines and comics. Imagine that when some people after I went to throw the only magazines have occupied two trips in a station wagon packed reversed.

Then I went out to make the unversità but unfortunately it did not go. At that age I took a serious disorder that I am not here to tell you but that drove me away from many things I loved.

The study, however, 'was always in my heart. I love learning, knowledge, culture and science. Knowledge is like eating, I like to eat every day culture.

Last year I also bought a digital book reader, I used a little but I filled it with texts.

Now I am 36 years old and 1 / 2 and I'd learn as I go back to a time ... secret dream was to graduate, but maybe it will never happen. The point is positive (negative in some respects) is that they are romantically involved, and this fact gives me some free time.

Well in advance of the program I wrote on a sheet of "good intentions for next year" and among them there are 3 subjects I'd like to learn: SQL, algebra, German. In addition I put an hour of exercise a day and day out.

If I 'to take away the rust off and I will be constantly' happy to celebrate this "return to school late. Many people do, even with their children and do not see why I should not do that. Meanwhile there

'work, which occupies me every day. What, just close it at a certain time and change chapter.

I'll keep 'informed if he can' intent or not.

Giuseppe Chillemi


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