Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Shoulder Height For Newborns

Words in the Storm on Friday night

Run, run, get to do, life is short. You have to be someone, you must succeed, otherwise life is nothing. Friends as you can, fun to no end. Sensations, adrenaline. Possess and be possessed. A nice car, no debt, lots of money, a name. The women go-go, crazy nights with them. A beautiful house, a swimming pool. Then travel, travel. A thousand destinations, exotic, hot, new, impossible. Wander around like a top, this evening, tomorrow another pub. Restaurants, nightclubs, acid trip of a life that wants everything. Squeezable squeeze the life from this short and pointless. Fuck the children and the family. Dead weight to have and leave as soon as possible. The sun sets, you start to live, comes dawn, two hours of sleep when it happens and then back around to earn. Greed: I want this and that and yet another. I like what 'you do not you and I have. Your beautiful is more beautiful than mine. I want to fuck, I want you to fuck her and avertela removed. And it's not enough, even more. The desire grows. Jacket and tie around and there 'a look, then another. I see. That there are opportunities to consume, to burn like a candle and its wick. Today, job change, including six months as well. Another city, other people to use, other nights to burn.

Exist ....

exist .... but I do not live.

me that look Then lightning. You know, I am guilty. A thousand and one wrongdoing. She next. But something is wrong. The game knows it but I do not understand. Then the most beautiful car, dressed in chic, most expensive. She comes over and start a dialogue between a strange and lost his demon dressed in a luxurious. The desire, my nights and my hands enjoy thinking of our last meeting. But do not touch. His eyes .... She looks at me like a dirty man, one of many that took away a piece of heart to make it sterile feeling. Reflected in her beginning to make me sick. Suck a tie, the jacket, the machine. Sucks the evenings and take the game, and disposable. I can not stop. Ruining his life is like a drug. Then I run away but she follows me, joins me in every city where I go. He wants to punish me. He wants to make me feel the amoeba of a human being who I am. A little 'time to lose everything. The nights out, the roar of my Lamborghini, women, fine clothes, home, money. Now I am a beggar. Around the stations of this stinking rotten world, conscious of the smallness of mind in which I lived. Day after day destroys me.

's the end. The substance, I sought.

Then one day, as I wander in the trash and try a bit 'of energy to my stomach, a hand touched my shoulder. I turn around, it's her. Now that my smile is gone and my swagger as well, naked and vulnerable soul I look into her eyes and a flash of heat hit me. I do not pierce the most, I warms. With a tender gesture draws me to if and embraces me. "You're different!" Exclaims. I stammered a poor "is, unfortunately," and she replies "fortunately." So take my right hand and says, "I'll take you to a place nearby." We walk and walk until the entry of a large building with the top bit and put a man on the cross. We go and get closer to a tub full of water. Santa: I had learned as a child. She gets a bit 'in a palm and it washes my face and exclaimed, "you wipe away your sins." I close my eyes, a strong power over me. I want to shout so this is powerful. I feel like a man, not a worm. He spread his arms to God, open my eyes but she is not there 'more, and understand: was an angel sent to save me.

It starts from scratch.




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